There is a rumor being circulated online since 2013 and has been translated into many languages and it tries to explain the colors of squares at the end of tubes of various toothpastes. It said that different colors represent the chemical content of the product.
Green = Natural
Blue = Natural + Herbal
Red = Natural + Chemical Composition
Black = Pure Chemical
At first, this is really believable since you see it everyday, and you never question about it. How could it be?
Believe it or not, you will go check out your toothpaste right away if you are at home.
However, the colored squares at the end of the tube was actually NOT used to identify the formulation of the toothpaste inside, but rather to be used by the packaging machine. Since depending on the color on the design of the tube, there is a different color light shines on it and its reflection is picked up by a light beam sensor so that the machine can identify the position of where to clamp and cut. The colored squares are also called "eye marks" or "color marks" in the packaging industry.
Remember the composition of a toothpaste is available on the tube itself, where the ingredients information is shown.
But is this the end of the story?
May be so, but have you ever thought about why people want to believe it and some still do after knowing this online information is a hoax? Nowadays, we've heard overwhelming information about some products may cause cancer or unhealthy due to certain chemicals used in the products or even fake products out in the market. Consumers are losing their confidence and feel helpless on identifying what is really good for them and for their families. A simple coloring codes seem so easy to understand and as if you were wearing a special x-ray glasses that you can see through the product and its composition and feel rest assure that you can tell whether the product is safe or harm. It is just too good to be true.
I guess we don't have that special power to identify what is good or harmful in our daily used products or groceries, and we end up in the game of probabilities. However, I still believe that our wonderful body can play a big role of detoxifying the toxins surrounding by us if we treat our body well. Let's have a good and healthy lifestyle to begin with and not worry too much about something you cannot control. Healthy body starts with a healthy and strong mind!
Blue = Natural + Herbal
Red = Natural + Chemical Composition
Black = Pure Chemical
At first, this is really believable since you see it everyday, and you never question about it. How could it be?
Believe it or not, you will go check out your toothpaste right away if you are at home.
However, the colored squares at the end of the tube was actually NOT used to identify the formulation of the toothpaste inside, but rather to be used by the packaging machine. Since depending on the color on the design of the tube, there is a different color light shines on it and its reflection is picked up by a light beam sensor so that the machine can identify the position of where to clamp and cut. The colored squares are also called "eye marks" or "color marks" in the packaging industry.
Remember the composition of a toothpaste is available on the tube itself, where the ingredients information is shown.
But is this the end of the story?
May be so, but have you ever thought about why people want to believe it and some still do after knowing this online information is a hoax? Nowadays, we've heard overwhelming information about some products may cause cancer or unhealthy due to certain chemicals used in the products or even fake products out in the market. Consumers are losing their confidence and feel helpless on identifying what is really good for them and for their families. A simple coloring codes seem so easy to understand and as if you were wearing a special x-ray glasses that you can see through the product and its composition and feel rest assure that you can tell whether the product is safe or harm. It is just too good to be true.
I guess we don't have that special power to identify what is good or harmful in our daily used products or groceries, and we end up in the game of probabilities. However, I still believe that our wonderful body can play a big role of detoxifying the toxins surrounding by us if we treat our body well. Let's have a good and healthy lifestyle to begin with and not worry too much about something you cannot control. Healthy body starts with a healthy and strong mind!